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KS3 & KS4 MFL resources & more...

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MFL resources you can trust! Where? Here...in Polly Glott's Shop... I have shared my eye-catching, creative resources - already made and trialled - often with built-in differentiation to make your day a little easier. I have over twenty years MFL teaching experience in the classroom, so download my ready-made worksheets, packs and presentations to even out that work-life balance! If you're browsing the shop, try typing in "French" or "Spanish" to find resources in that language.




MFL resources you can trust! Where? Here...in Polly Glott's Shop... I have shared my eye-catching, creative resources - already made and trialled - often with built-in differentiation to make your day a little easier. I have over twenty years MFL teaching experience in the classroom, so download my ready-made worksheets, packs and presentations to even out that work-life balance! If you're browsing the shop, try typing in "French" or "Spanish" to find resources in that language.
Pâques - French Easter

Pâques - French Easter

French Easter work booklet suitable for Y7. Covers lots of Easter vocabulary in French and lists it at the end so they can work independently - ideal for cover lessons or less teacher input when you need some time. All the usual Easter vocabulary Pâques/cloches/chocolat etc. Sorry for the quick description but would like to make it available ASAP. Look at the details for the Spanish ones for more info’ as it’s the same as those! Here it is: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/semana-santa-easter-in-spanish-y7-12508285 I’ll update the description and previews as soon as I am able. I’ll also be raising the price once I’ve sorted the description and previews, so buy now!
French Valentine's Day - Le Jour de la Saint Valentin

French Valentine's Day - Le Jour de la Saint Valentin

4 Resources
You’ll love this French Valentine’s Day bundle. What do I get? Four photocopiable booklets for years 7 to 10 (available separately in my shop) to develop reading skills through French Valentine’s Day vocabulary. There is a wide variety of activities including puzzles, word matching, secret codes… Bilingual vocabulary lists are provided within each booklet to help reduce the reliance on the teacher, so these also make ideal cover lessons. All my Valentine’s resources can be found together here: https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=232746&q=Valentine’s Day&shop=Polly_Glott
French Reward Charts

French Reward Charts

French Eiffel Tower Reward Chart An 11 page resource (including cover pages, TOU, vocab’ etc.) 4 different reward charts for your learners Colour versions included A variety of options for how the chart can be used with guidance on how to use them An excellent way to encourage better behaviour in your groups or for individual learners
French Personal Information Studio 1 Module 1

French Personal Information Studio 1 Module 1

French Personal Information Year 7 Opinions A simple picture and word matching worksheet which matches with Studio 1 Module 1 - the French opinions section. If your learners find the images tricky, they could try the included French/English word match grid. There are two copies of this to help with printing. Vocabulary included: j’aime je n’aime pas Tu aimes…? il/elle aime Oui, j’aime ça. Non, je n’aime pas ça. Tu es d’accord? Je suis d’accord. Je ne suis pas d’accord. C’est… génial cool bien ennuyeux nul essentiel important Ce n’est pas bien If you like this resource, find lots more in my full shop here:** [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott**] Happy teaching!
French Jobs Vocabulary Cards (Studio 3, Module 3)

French Jobs Vocabulary Cards (Studio 3, Module 3)

Looking for French jobs vocab’ for ‘le monde du travail’? This is a great set of 42 vocabulary cards covering les emplois words in the masculine and feminine forms. They fit well with Studio 3, Module 3. Instructions and ideas for games are included. They will print back-to-back French and English (those eagle-eyed observers who looked at the preview images and thought they wouldn’t…you were right. School-girl error which has now been corrected…). Le monde du travail jobs vocab’ cards If you are introducing learners to the French jobs topic, this is the ideal resource for you. You can use it to help with introducing vocabulary learning at word level, actively and passively. A bilingual vocabulary list and ‘Va à la pêche’ game vocabulary is included to help. Ideal for introducing the French topic ‘the world of work’ and jobs words collaborative learning : activities ideas include pair and group games beginning to identify feminine jobs words If you like this resource, have a look in my shop where you’ll find many more useful French and Spanish resources. Lots are low or no prep’ to help save you precious time. https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=232746&q=jobs&shop=Polly_Glott https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott Happy teaching! Vocabulary covered (plus feminine): avocat agent de police agriculteur boucher boulanger caissier chanteur chauffeur de camion chauffeur de taxi coiffeur comptable créateur de mode diplomate directeur de magasin électricien employé de bureau facteur fermier fonctionnaire guide touristique infirmier informaticien ingénieur interprète jardinier juge maçon médecin photographe plombier policier pompier serveur sociologue steward vendeur vétérinaire webdesigner
Studio 3 French Le monde du travail (Studio Vert/Rouge M5) Work Booklet

Studio 3 French Le monde du travail (Studio Vert/Rouge M5) Work Booklet

Looking for GCSE French jobs consolidation? This is a great work booklet to develop listening, reading and writing. Tasks include picture and word matching vocabulary presentation, puzzles, reading comprehensions, scaffolded writing, a couple of listening activities and independent writing tasks with cues. If you have introduced GCSE learners to the French jobs topic, this is the ideal resource for you. You can use it to consolidate prior learning. If you haven’t taught the topic, use this resource for them to work out or deduce the vocabulary themselves. Although prior knowledge is assumed, a long bilingual vocabulary list is included to help. Some research on vocabulary and structures might be needed, depending on the ability of your learners. Ideal for Distance learning. Open in edit mode and click in the text areas to answer. The background won’t move Consolidation of the French topic the world of work Independent learning Helping with listening skills: 3 pages include listening tasks The answer pages are given after the main work booklet and therefore may be printed separately or given when needed, rather than in one go to learners. Sample answers are given for writing tasks since, as I’m sure you will understand, responses can vary considerably. Other uses for the booklet include using the sheets separately for starter tasks or cover lessons, even homework. Tasks include: reading comprehensions scaffolded writing gap-fills listening independent writing task with cues puzzles* For examples of vocabulary covered, see the end of the listing. If you find this resource useful, please do review it. Other useful French and Spanish resources for KS3 and KS4 can be found in my shop: [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott] Happy teaching!
Semana Santa Easter Spanish KS3 & KS4  Bundle

Semana Santa Easter Spanish KS3 & KS4 Bundle

5 Resources
Now you’ve got something different every Easter for every KS3 and KS4 Spanish group looking at Semana Santa vocabulary: Individual learning booklets for Years 10 and 11. All covering increasing levels of vocabulary/activity difficulty. Comprehensive bilingual vocabulary list included in each one. activities include reading, writing, word puzzles Answer booklets included. B&W versions included. I’ve bundled both Key Stages separately also: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12509206 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/semana-santa-easter-spanish-ks4-bundle-12509241 Happy teaching! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott
Semana Santa Easter Spanish KS4 Bundle

Semana Santa Easter Spanish KS4 Bundle

2 Resources
Now you’ve got something different every Easter for every KS4 Spanish group looking at Semana Santa vocabulary: Individual learning booklets for Years 10 and 11. All covering increasing levels of vocabulary/activity difficulty. Comprehensive bilingual vocabulary list included in each one. activities include reading, writing, word puzzles Answer booklets included. B&W versions included. Also have a look at the KS3 bundle and I’ve bundled both Key Stages also: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12509206 Happy teaching!
Semana Santa Easter Spanish Y11

Semana Santa Easter Spanish Y11

Bring some fun to Year 11 lessons at Easter time! Semana Santa tasks include word puzzles, reading and writing plus Easter cards to create. Vocabulary includes Spanish Easter words, opinions plus much more so that the resource can work alongside your everyday teaching. Being the last packet of five, the tasks are less supported and more independent input is expected of learners! (e.g. open-ended writing tasks) This resource works well because ☛ it’s a flexible 11 page learning booklet for your Year 10s to learn vocabulary for Easter in Spanish. ☛ it’s a really engaging work packet which will liven up any Spanish lesson. ☛ the booklet could be used for in-person printables distance learning starter tasks homework cover lessons ☛ it’s low or even no prep’ for you ☛ it can run alongside what learners are already doing to aid reading and deciphering skills e.g. photo description ☛ a bilingual vocabulary list included and answer pages where appropriate. ☛ a black and white version is also included Vocabulary really is comprehensive in case learners are unable to look up words easily, so you may wish to remove this section if you prefer a more difficult work booklet! Booklets are flattened to protect my work and that of others within the resource and are un-editable. Vocabulary example list felicidad cuaresma liebre sol regalos primavera torrija pan leche frito servido azúcar miel specialidad buñuelo pestiño crujiente trozo aromatizado anis glaseado juntos amable pensativo temporada tras una puerta cerrado un desfile un baile transmitir un deseo un alimento hecho una semilla tostado molido un edificio un contenedor unas tiras entrelazado una caña un alambre en forma de encontrar alguno una tienda vale la pena la emoción llena pasear un santo un pueblo decorar la calle necesitarse un descanso dirigirse cercano tomar una cerveza unas tapas despedir oficialmente espectacular una tamborrada cientos de un baterista reunirse mediodía crear un evento estruendoso unos tambores unos platillos unas cornetas todo parecerse venerado comenzar terminar caer algunas partes completar bendecido un sacerdote puesto sus pies sencillo mientras que una cinta un callejero conocido a menudo durar hasta las altas horas la madrugada enorme extenderse millas recordarse sufrimento There is a full set of Spanish Easter learning booklets available for Years 7 to 11 so you won’t need to scrabble around each year for something different. All Semana Santa resources are here: If you like this resource, please follow my shop and have a look at lots of no or low prep’ resources and much more! Click the link below. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott Happy teaching!
Semana Santa Easter Spanish KS3 Bundle

Semana Santa Easter Spanish KS3 Bundle

3 Resources
Now you’ve got something different every Easter for every KS3 Spanish group looking at Semana Santa vocabulary: Individual learning booklets for Years 7 to 9. All covering increasing levels of vocabulary/activity difficulty. Comprehensive bilingual vocabulary list included in each one. activities include reading, writing, word puzzles Answer booklets included. B&W versions included. Also have a look at the KS4 bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/semana-santa-easter-spanish-ks4-bundle-12509241 and I’ve bundled both Key Stages also. Happy teaching!
Semana Santa Easter in Spanish Y8

Semana Santa Easter in Spanish Y8

Bring something different to** Easter in Spanish**. This is an engaging Spanish Easter booklet which will liven up any Year 8 Spanish lesson. 12 activity pages Semana Santa activity pages including word puzzles and reading tasks, word sodoku plus Easter cards to create. Covers Spanish Easter vocabulary, opinions, cultural info’ about processions, true/false and photo descriptions so that the packet can work alongside your every day teaching. This resource works well because ☛ it’s a flexible 11 page learning booklet for your Year 8s to learn vocabulary for Easter in Spanish. ☛ it’s a really engaging work packet which will liven up any Spanish lesson. ☛ the booklet could be used for in-person printables distance learning starter tasks homework cover lessons ☛ it’s low or even no prep’ for you ☛ it can run alongside what learners are already doing to aid reading and deciphering skills e.g. photo description ☛ a bilingual vocabulary list included and answer pages where appropriate. ☛ a black and white version is also included Vocabulary really is comprehensive in case learners are unable to look up words easily, so you may wish to remove this section if you prefer a more difficult booklet! Booklets are flattened to protect my work and that of others within the resource and are un-editable. Vocabulary unos chocolates un conejo un huevo un cordero una campana un narciso un pollito una canasta una cruz una iglesia buscar pintar encontrar la fiesta de Pascua la procesión de Pascua la búsqueda de los huevos de Pascua rezar una rama de palma las calles una carroza una estatua comer (como/comes/comemos) gustar (me gusta (mucho)) hacer (hacemos) tener (tengo/tienes/temenos) ir (voy/vas/vamos/van) comer (como/comes/comemos) odiar (odio) encantar (me encanta) celebrar (celebramos) pensar (pienso/piensa) aqui donde cuando con quién ¿qué…? / ¿qué es/son…? ¿cómo? durante ¿qué piensa? ¿qué llevan? ¿qué hay? ¿qué son? ¿dónde? en la imagen se puede ver veo puedo ver a la izquierda a la derecha sonriendo saltando un pájaro arboles cantando un nido silbando nubes un gusano el cesped There is a full set of Spanish Easter booklets available for Years 7 to 11 so you’ll have something different each time. If you like this resource, please come and have a look at my shop where there are lots of no or low prep’ resources! Click the link below. You can follow my shop there, too. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott Happy teaching!
Semana Santa Easter Spanish Y10

Semana Santa Easter Spanish Y10

Liven Year 10 Spanish lessons at Easter time! Spanish Semana Santa tasks including* word puzzles* and reading, photo description, a Spanish torrijas recipe reading, word sodoku plus Easter cards to create. Vocabulary includes Spanish Easter words, opinions plus much more so that the resource can work alongside your every day teaching. This resource works well because ☛ it’s a flexible 11 page learning booklet for your Year 10s to learn vocabulary for Easter in Spanish. ☛ it’s a really engaging work packet which will liven up any Spanish lesson. ☛ the booklet could be used for in-person printables distance learning starter tasks homework cover lessons ☛ it’s low or even no prep’ for you ☛ it can run alongside what learners are already doing to aid reading and deciphering skills e.g. photo description ☛ a bilingual vocabulary list included and answer pages where appropriate. ☛ a black and white version is also included Vocabulary really is comprehensive in case learners are unable to look up words easily, so you may wish to remove this section if you prefer a more difficult booklet! Booklets are flattened to protect my work and that of others within the resource and are un-editable. Vocabulary unos chocolates un conejo un huevo un cordero una campana un narciso un pollito una canasta una cruz una iglesia buscar pintar encontrar la fiesta de Pascua la procesión de Pascua la búsqueda de los huevos de Pascua rezar dulces flores recoger felicidad cuaresma liebre sol regalos primavera torrija pan leche frito servido azúcar miel specialidad buñuelo pestiño crujiente trozo aromatizado anis glaseado juntos amable pensativo temporada tras una puerta cerrado un desfile un baile transmitir un deseo un alimento hecho una semilla tostado molido un edificio un contenedor unas tiras entrelazado una caña un alambre pequeño generalmente unos familiares ovalado romperse facilmente lindo peludo una estrella caliente el cielo una trompeta en forma de encontrar alguno una tienda vale la pena la emoción llena pasear un santo un pueblo decorar la calle necesitarse un descanso dirigirse cercano tomar una cerveza unas tapas despedir oficialmente espectacular una tamborrada cientos de un baterista reunirse mediodía crear un evento estruendoso unos tambores unos platillos unas cornetas todo parecerse venerado comenzar terminar caer algunas partes completar bendecido un sacerdote puesto sus pies sencillo mientras que una cinta un callejero conocido a menudo durar hasta las altas horas la madrugada enorme extenderse millas recordarse sufrimento There is a full set of Spanish Easter learning booklets available for Years 7 to 11 so you won’t need to scrabble around each year for something different. If you like this resource, please follow my shop and have a look at lots of no or low prep’ resources and much more! Click the link below. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott Happy teaching!
Semana Santa Easter in Spanish Y9

Semana Santa Easter in Spanish Y9

An engaging Spanish Easter booklet which will liven up any Year 9 Spanish lesson. Easter in Spanish can run alongside your Year 9 SoW. Here are 11 Semana Santa activity pages including word puzzles and reading tasks, a Spanish torrijas* recipe reading*, word sodoku plus Easter cards to create. Vocabulary includes Easter words, opinions plus much more so that the resource can work alongside your every day teaching. This resource works well because it’s a really engaging work booklet which will liven up any Spanish lesson it is flexible: starters/whole booklet/cover/homework it is accessible a full bi-lingual vocabulary list is included the answers are provided or model answers where appropriate B&W version is provided for those (everyone??) on a tight budget The booklets are flattened to protect my work and that of others within the resource and are therefore un-editable. Vocabulary unos chocolates un conejo un huevo un cordero una campana un narciso un pollito una canasta una cruz una iglesia buscar pintar encontrar la fiesta de Pascua la procesión de Pascua la búsqueda de los huevos de Pascua rezar dulces flores recoger felicidad Cuaresma liebre sol regalos primavera en la imagen se puede ver veo puedo ver a la izquierda a la derecha la torrija el pan la leche frito servido el azúcar la miel la specialidad bañado sobre todo más grande que empapar vamos a sacar hervir blandito aplastar darse vuelta ponemos la leche cazo (m) una rama la canela cortamos (en rebanadas) una barra de pan cuanto más reciente sea menos el tiempo deberá estar sumergido una vez que llegar la ebullición volcamos un plato hondo batir calentar una sartén el aceite encharcar mojar poco a poco coger rebozar freír dorado por un lado esperar dorarse el otro lado una vez tostado el papel de cocina escurrir espolvorear There is a full set of Spanish Easter learning booklets available for Years 7 - 11 so you won’t need to rummage around for something different every year. If you like this resource, please ►►►►follow my store on Instagram and Facebook. Also, come and have a look at my shop where there are lots of no or low prep’ resources and lots more! Click the link below. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott Happy teaching!
Semana Santa Easter in Spanish Y7

Semana Santa Easter in Spanish Y7

An engaging Spanish Easter booklet which will liven up any Year 7 Spanish lesson. Your learners will love completing this Easter in Spanish . 12 activity pages including word search, word matching, colouring and reading tasks plus Easter cards to create. Vocabulary includes Easter vocabulary, parts of the body, colours and numbers 1-12 so that the booklet can work alongside your every day teaching. Full list below. Booklets are flattened to protect my work and that of others within the resource and are uneditable. Please make sure you print the PDF file, not the resource preview images which show a watermark! A flexible learning booklet for your students to learn vocabulary for Easter in Spanish. The booklet could be used for printables, distance learning, starter tasks, homework or cover’ lessons. The choice is yours! Bilingual vocabulary list included and answer pages where appropriate. Black and white version included, also. Vocabulary unos chocolates un conejo un huevo un cordero una campana un narciso un pollito una canasta una cruz una iglesia buscar pintar encontrar la fiesta de Pascua la procesión de Pascua la búsqueda de los huevos de Pascua rezar uno dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho nueve diez once doce rosa gris amarillo azul rojo violeta naranja color menocotón oscuro claro la oreja el pelo la cabeza el ojo la nariz la diente la boca el brazo la pierna la rodilla el pie un coche una flor / unas flores un faro el techo el neumático una rueda una zanahoria conducir amigo estoy/estamos riendo juntos desde hace en la imagen se puede ver veo puedo ver a la izquierda a la derecha There is a full set of Spanish Easter learning booklets available for Years 7 - 11 so you won’t need to rummage around for something different every year. If you like this resource, please ►►►►follow my store on Instagram and Facebook. Also, come and have a look at my shop where there are lots of no or low prep’ resources and lots more! Click the link below. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott Happy teaching!
French Jobs Les Emplois

French Jobs Les Emplois

The jobs/les emplois topic in French is consolidated with jobs vocab’ presented through picture and word matching, puzzles, * reading comprehensions*, scaffolded writing, independent writing tasks with cues. It goes well with Studio 3, Module 3, although supplementary vocabulary is included, and includes a PowerPoint and PDF version. If you have introduced learners to the French jobs topic, this is the ideal resource for you. You can use it to consolidate prior learning. If you haven’t taught the topic, use this resource for them to work out or deduce the vocabulary themselves. The resource works around ‘Les Emplois’ and introduces vocabulary beginning with simple picture and word matching, moving steadily through reading tasks, guided writing tasks and ending with independent writing. Although prior knowledge is assumed, a three page vocabulary list is included to help. Some research on vocabulary and structures might be needed, depending on the ability of your learners. The work booklet can be used by you with learners in the classroom or by the learners if they are distance learning. The answer pages are given after the main work packet and therefore may be printed separately or given when needed, rather than in one go to learners. Sample answers are given for writing tasks since, as I’m sure you will understand, responses can vary considerably. A black and white version is included. Other uses for the packet included using the sheets separately for starter tasks or cover lessons, even homework. Further study could include a research project about part-time jobs of French youths. Tasks include: reading comprehensions scaffolded writing gap-fills independent writing task with cues puzzles If you find this resource useful, please do leave a review. I also have lots of other low or no prep’ resources in French and Spanish. They can be found here in my TES shop: [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott] Happy teaching!
Free Time - Les loisirs

Free Time - Les loisirs

French hobbies game, jeu de l’oie Use this game about hobbies in French (fits well with Studio 1, Module 3) to promote speaking and even writing and listening. Full instructions given plus dice and spinner templates. I have also included further ideas for development. The language in this game is as follows: je joue au ping-pong nous jouons sur la Wii j’aime écouter de la musique je n’aime pas faire les magasins nous jouons au volleyball nous surfons sur internet je fais du jogging trois fois par semaine j’envoie des SMS elle regarde des clips vidéo j’envoie des e-mails tu es sportif/sportive? je fais du judo ils jouent sur la Playstation quand il fait beau je fais de l’équitation je fais du vélo je fais du patin à glace je fais du skate quand il fait froid je regarde la télé je déteste jouer au ping-pong je n’aime pas jouer sur mon portable je joue au foot deux fois par semaine j’adore faire du parkour ils font de la lutte quand il pleut je parle avec mes ami(e)s/copains/copines je fais une (des) promenade(s) If you like this, visit my shop and follow me for many more accessible and fun low or no prep’ resources. [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott]
French Valentine's Day Year 10 La Saint Valentin

French Valentine's Day Year 10 La Saint Valentin

Love ready-made resources? This is a great multi-purpose booklet for St. Valentine’s Day in French. 10 Jour de Saint-Valentin activities including a variety of word puzzles, future reading comprehension, secret codes, describe the picture…a truly engaging booklet. Learners will be expected to research vocabulary independently to complete tasks, but a list is given to cover Valentine’s Day which includes amour/chocolat/adorer/cœur/chéri(e)/aimer/cupidon/rose/bague/destin/fleurs/rouge/hibou/fête/siècle/célébrer/foncé/clair/colorier/comme tu veux/violet/forme/palome/autres/est mort/devenu(e)/exprimer. That way you can build your learners’ vocabulary by completing the given tasks and also using the vocabulary list for other activities such as Valentine’s cards or display work. This is a flexible learning booklet for your Year 10 students to learn vocabulary for Valentine’s Day, building on the Year 7, 8 and 9 work booklets but will work if they haven’t completed those before. A bilingual vocabulary list is included plus extra vocabulary when needed and answer pages where appropriate. Actvities are varied, with some focus on higher level skills such as reading, writing and vocabulary research. amour chocolat adorer cœur chéri(e) aimer cupidon rose bague destin fleurs rouge hibou fête siècle célébrer foncé/clair colorier comme tu veux violet forme palome autres est mort devenu(e) exprimer envoyer bonbons entre eux offrir commencer carte de vœux apr. j.c. flèche calin affection ventre flamme folie timidité rêver For all of my Valentine resources, click the link and browse. [https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=232746&q=Valentine&shop=Polly_Glott] If you like what you see, come and look at my complete shop where there are lots of no or low prep’ resources. Click the link below. [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott]
French Valentine's Day Year 8 La Saint Valentin

French Valentine's Day Year 8 La Saint Valentin

Your learners will love this multi-purpose booklet for St. Valentine’s Day. 10 French Valentine’s activities including word matching, hidden word puzzle, sticky notes reading, secret codes…a truly engaging work booklet. Learners will be expected to research vocabulary independently to complete tasks, but a list is given to cover Valentine’s Day in French which includes amour/chocolat/adorer/cœur/chéri(e)/aimer/cupidon/rose/bague/destin/fleurs/rouge/hibou/fête/siècle/célébrer/foncé/clair/colorier/comme tu veux/violet/forme/palome/autres/est mort/devenu(e)/exprimer. That way you can build your learners’ vocabulary by completing the given tasks and also using the vocabulary list for other activities such as Valentine’s cards or display work. This is a flexible learning booklet for your students to learn vocabulary for Valentine’s Day, building on the Year 7 work booklet but will work if they haven’t completed this before. A bilingual vocabulary list is included and answer pages where appropriate. Actvities are varied, with a focus on comprehension skills and vocabulary research. amour chocolat adorer cœur chéri(e) aimer cupidon rose bague destin fleurs rouge hibou fête siècle célébrer foncé/clair colorier comme tu veux violet forme palome autres est mort devenu(e) exprimer envoyer bonbons entre eux offrir commencer carte de vœux apr. j.c. flèche calin affection ventre flamme folie timidité rêver For the full range of my Valentine’s resources, click here https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott If you like what you see, come and look at my full shop where there are lots of no or low prep’ resources. Click the link below. [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott]
French Valentine's Day Year 9 La Saint Valentin

French Valentine's Day Year 9 La Saint Valentin

Looking to love a resource? You’ll definitely love this multi-purpose learning booklet for St. Valentine’s Day in French. 10 French Valentine’s Day activities including a song, poems, word matching, text message reading…a truly engaging work booklet. Learners will be expected to research vocabulary independently to complete tasks, but a list is given to cover Valentine’s Day which includes amour/chocolat/adorer/cœur/chéri(e)/aimer/cupidon/rose/bague/destin/fleurs/rouge/hibou/fête/siècle/célébrer/foncé/clair/colorier/comme tu veux/violet/forme/palome/autres/est mort/devenu(e)/exprimer. That way you can build your learners’ vocabulary by completing the given tasks and also using the vocabulary list for other activities such as Valentine’s cards or display work. This is a flexible learning booklet for your students to learn vocabulary for Valentine’s Day, building on the Year 7 and 8 work booklets but will work if they haven’t completed those before. A bilingual vocabulary list is included plus extra vocabulary when needed and answer pages where appropriate. Actvities are varied, with a focus on sentence level skills and vocabulary research. amour chocolat adorer cœur chéri(e) aimer cupidon rose bague destin fleurs rouge hibou fête siècle célébrer foncé/clair colorier comme tu veux violet forme palome autres est mort devenu(e) exprimer envoyer bonbons entre eux offrir commencer carte de vœux apr. j.c. flèche calin affection ventre flamme folie timidité rêver For the full range of my Valentine’s resources, click here https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott If you like what you see, come and look at my full shop where there are lots of no or low prep’ resources. Click the link below. [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott]
French Valentine's Day Year 7 La Saint Valentin

French Valentine's Day Year 7 La Saint Valentin

What’s not to love about this multi-purpose booklet for St. Valentine’s Day in French? 10 French activities including word searches, the history of St. Valentine, word matching, word puzzles…a really engaging booklet. Vocabulary included amour/chocolat/adorer/cœur/chéri(e)/aimer/cupidon/rose/bague/destin/fleurs/rouge/hibou/fête/siècle/célébrer/foncé/clair/colorier/comme tu veux/violet/forme/palome/autres/est mort/devenu(e)/exprimer. Full list below. A flexible booklet for your students to learn vocabulary for Valentine’s Day. Bilingual vocabulary list included and answer pages where appropriate. amour chocolat adorer cœur chéri(e) aimer cupidon rose bague destin fleurs rouge hibou fête siècle célébrer foncé/clair colorier comme tu veux violet forme palome autres est mort devenu(e) exprimer envoyer bonbons entre eux offrir commencer carte de vœux apr. j.c. flèche calin affection ventre flamme folie timidité rêver For the full range of my Valentine’s resources, click here https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott If you like what you see, come and look at my full shop where there are lots of no or low prep’ resources. Click the link below. [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Polly_Glott]